Asa Cochran was famous fur stump break'n Cooley's ole heifer and den her turn around and with de underside of her tongue lick dee Roger pistole....sand paper blues...dats where the ya-who came frum...ya-who!!! ya-who!! Roger he did dance thru de pines with de knees a knock'n...ya-who!! ya-who!! De ole long horn bull en de woods saw him en came'a chargin; for he be a mess'n with his heifers, as well all de neighbors within ten miles would hear, and know that de Cochran kid had been stumpin again...
Ezra Cochran ran sheep...and de Cooley's in revenge would put de Cochran's sheep at pleasure, all eight of de Cooley's boys wore tall mud boots, and de feet fit fine...thus starting der war of de Cochran's en Cooley's!!! Sheep now all say cool ley, cool ley as dey drive past...en de bull he ghot big ole Cochran oysters up on his horns....they just swing as he runs about de pasture..
Lots of Cooley and Cochran blood runs thru Beauregard Parish, the flip side of Newton County Tejas......a very agricultural parish, lots of horses .and moo cows... I met a man over a year ago, at a old filling station near Kirbyville Texas who was telling me of battles the Cochran’s had with their sheep...
Oh man (Senator) Hennigan ran sheep when I was a range...lots of cotton farmers dogs got poisoned...I wrote a piece inspired by a song by Don Edwards...about the last red wolf...I have memories at school where Hennigan’s hired hands brought a red wolf in, and threw it in front of us kids, to show us the evil thing...
From a E that I sent to a friend from the Elko Crowd.