

Stars flicker thru the high loft of clouds, 

Beckon us onward, as this is our journey,
Across plains we have traveled,
From far distant shores,
We emigrants to a new land,
Far from Erin’s mighty shore,
Sailors of water, as we sailors of land,
With gusts of wind at every command,
Point our schooners tongue to the Northern Star,
Which we spot, with effort   this night. 

With banjos and fiddles,

Our few musicians  gather,
A reel or a jig, the children’s laughter,
We see, thru the nights light,
Ensure us that hope is forever Spring,
We fall to the demand of sleep,
And await the first call of morning light,
To travel westward, to a new home,
This is the demand our flight…

Spindletop to Kerr-Magee

Spindletop to Kerr-Magee


They were tall wooden structures,
Reaching upward for the sky,
There upon a small hill,
Called sacred by the Indians,
On the banks of the Neches River,
Sweating young men standing,
Wrapped in torn clothes,
Drillers dropping pipes into the depths,
Never gone before.

And along came the music,
Pipeliner blues, Moon Mullins,
Later Big Bopper and George Jones,
Walked the downtown streets,
A time that changed everything,
Import of young Nederland workers,
To work in the refineries,
That blossomed like steeples,
There along the Neches and Lake Sabine,

And, one day Cher drove across Rainbow Bridge,
Raising the window, the odor unacceptable,
In that film of Karen Silkwood,
A Port Arthur girl,
As warm as Janice Joplin and Mary Karr,
Moved to Kerr Oklahoma,
For work in Nuclear Technology,
As how so much are connected,
From Spindletop's first blow.


Spring is Returning

Mid winter is upon us,


 Wolf Moon has rose in the night sky,
Clear visions of stars stand bright,
Promises are to come,
As February moves upon us,
March winds will come,
Bringing Spring upon us,
And the ancient druids are proud,
They stood at Stonehenge and counted,
Movement of the sun, its light spread about,
Welcome slowly the return of light.



I saw you, oh majestic Wolf Moon,
Full as a saucer of white light,
Shining thru the windows this night,
I hear your companions in the forest,
Wolf Clan gathering in song,
In solitude one stands outside my door,
I hear it's call,
I know not what it wants,
For I am absence of food,
And only a remembrance of fire in this cabin,
Oh Wolf Moon, you light shines bright,
I hear the Wolf Clan's call.~~~