
Pine Hills of Louisiana

pine hills of Louisiana...travel this parkway last night to Many...not more...just Many, one of the last small towns in far Western Louisiana, about the only big box is one Wally Mart...They had a Colgate County Show, unfortunately, most of the talent even though it was good, was directed to the new Nashville style; and many of us are very opinionated towards the commercial aspects of that; not being judgmental, but many of us feel that Nashville, as towards the music, was created by high craft musicians, (Hank Williams to Rose Maddox) and without those legends, the "industry" would not be there for these current, pop tart singers with pretty faces to try to make it...the new parkway is not fully completed, but the local blue light crowd was eager to give a welcome with "you were speeding as you rolled over the hill", fully aware to get over those north bound red clay hills, one has to accelerate, its called momentum, and naturally, you will be over the posted limit when you hit the crest and their radar guns...such is the saga of much of rural USA...if the locals were given a free pass, but rarely is this is done, and this being just outside of Fort Polk, where so many have put the uniform on, they two must pay the price to be free, to crest those rising red clay hills amid those pine forests...Liberty is not free...